Fact Friday….A Day Late

I missed posting my little tidbit of info about me yesterday.  After an emotional and physically painful week that left me in tears when my Chiropractor asked how I was yesterday morning, I am finally in a better place!   So what could this week’s little bit of info be?

I am addicted to Burt’s Bees lip balm.   I am so addicted that I have one by my bedside and in almost every purse/bag I use on a regular basis.  If I somehow forget it and have to use J’s blistex….I am a very unhappy camper.  My favorite kinds are the acai berry (with the purple cap) and the mango (with an orange-ish cap).  Yep, I LOVE me some Burt’s Bees.

Do any of you have any addictions?

Hope you all have a fabulous Labor day weekend!
