It’s not very often that J says something dumb pertaining to infertility.  He’s generally very supportive and knows when to speak and when to just hold me.  Last night, was not one of those times.  I am on cd 10 and was running low on opk’s.  We had to stop and return stuff at Walmart so I figured I might as well pick some up while we were there.  Now, I personally like the easy to read, smiley face opk’s.  Sure, they’re a little expensive, but worth it to me.  After we rang them up (we were in self-checkout), J says, “what do we even need them for?  We can do it without them.”.  Ummm, no, no we cannot!  We haven’t even been able to get pregnant with a u/s, trigger shot, and putting the sperm right up there!!!!  I compromised and didn’t buy them last month because he wanted a “relaxing” month of trying.  Then I was paranoid because I didn’t know for sure when I was going to ovulate.  This month, we’re doing it my way!  I told him to never tell an infertile woman she doesn’t need opk’s and to be happy that I tend to wait for AF to show up instead of buying hpt’s.  🙂