All the Happenings

First off, Thank you for all the prayers and positive vibes that were sent our way!  They are so appreciated.

The meeting went better than we had even hoped.  We got up around 5:30am to get ready to go.  Our meeting was scheduled for 11am and was only about 2 1/2 hours away, but it’s summer in WI and that means construction.  Right by my town, there is no direction that you can go where you don’t hit it and I was worried it would be the same way trying to get there.  Luckily it wasn’t.  We left the house about 6:30am and got there by 9:30.  Since we had extra time, we found the DMV there and J took care of some stuff he had to do there.  We got to the library we were meeting at about 15 minutes early.  Let me tell you, for about the last hour before the meeting, I seriously thought I was going to throw up.  I was so nervous and was rubbing peppermint oil on my tummy like crazy hoping it would calm the butterflies down!  Just after 11am, they arrived and we went into the meeting room.  We talked for almost 2 hours.  We told her our story, she told us hers.  There were tears on both sides.  Guys, this woman is amazing.  Like, seriously.  She is definitely not the stereotype people think of when they think about a Mom giving her baby up for adoption.  And there were so many little coincidences.  Her name is my middle name.  Her son and J have the same birthday.  She loves basketball and played for 12 years and basketball is J’s first love.  She’s really into toxin and chemical free as much as possible just like I am and loved that I use essential oils and make my own soap and stuff.  We thanked her for giving us this opportunity to meet with her, for considering us for this huge gift she will be giving.  We told her we think she’s brave and courageous and a hero in our eyes.  She told us that she really likes us and that we’re perfect.  Our Faith was a huge thing for her and the reason why she connected with our letter so much.  She very adamantly wants her child to grow up knowing God and Jesus and that there’s something much bigger out there than what’s happening in this earthly life.  We love that and totally agree.  You could tell that she has thought about this a lot and from all angles and is really trying to put her emotions to the side to do what’s healthiest for all of them, herself, her son and the baby.  In short, it was amazing!

So, we left the meeting with her caseworker saying that they were going to discuss hospital plan more and she would be in touch early next week.  At that point, we weren’t really sure what was going to happen.  It seemed like we were moving forward, but it wasn’t said point blank.  After we left, we quickly got a text from the caseworker saying that it was nice to meet us and that BM felt really at ease with us and she would be in touch.  Shortly after that, we got an email from our caseworker saying that she had her from BM’s and that the meeting had gone really well and that she was happy for us and to enjoy the next month of getting know BM.  So that made it seem like everything was indeed moving forward.  It kind of sucked because we weren’t sure if we should be jumping up and down screaming or just being cautiously optimistic.

I sent  our caseworker and email this morning with a couple of questions and told her that we felt that it was moving forward after yesterday but that we weren’t sure and was wondering if/when we should/can start getting ready for baby because she’s due in just over a month!  She emailed back and said from the sounds of it we are all the same page of moving forward and we could at least start buying the necessities but maybe hold off on the big/fun things.  So, I would like to formally announce that it seems like we will indeed be bringing home a Baby Girl next month!!!!  I hope I didn’t just jinx it and obviously, this is adoption, until we go to court at least 30 days after she’s born, could be longer and BM signs her rights away, she or BD can change their minds at anytime.  I’m trying not to let that fear take hold right now though.

In other news (because you know, that’s not enough), my BR surgery is now going to be on June 23rd so exactly 2 weeks from today!!!  It was originally supposed to be July 11th, but baby girl is due July 15th so then I got it moved up to June 27th, well, when I called to confirm it, apparently something had come up and I could do it that day and it got pushed back to July 21st.  This morning I got a call from the nurse saying she had good news and someone had cancelled and I could get in on the 23rd now.  As long as baby R doesn’t come more than a week early, I should have plenty of healing time before she arrives.  🙂

Please, please, please continue to keep us in your prayers that this adoption goes through without a hitch and that I recover from surgery quickly with no complications.

There is so, so much to get done around the house in the next couple weeks and of course, after, but J’s going to have to take over after I have the surgery.  I’m sure he’ll be thrilled about that! 😉

Lots of Love~Dawn

Omg, Omg, Omg….

our insurance approved my breast reduction surgery!!!!!  Okay, not nearly as exciting as being pregnant, sorry if I made anyone think that would be the news, but guys, this is huge!

I have wanted this surgery for so long and thought about it for years and I really thought insurance would say no because they don’t even cover my chiropractic care.  This news totally turned my day around after finding out that my only full time kid I had for next year was not going to be coming back….grrr!

Now, J, probably not going to be nearly as excited about this news but hopefully he’ll continue to take the approach of if it makes me happy, it makes him happy, lol.

So, surgery is scheduled for July 11th because I have a Young Living conference in SLC at the end of June.  I am so, so, so excited!!!  Until then, I’m going to continue focusing on working out.  I started at this new gym my neighbor goes to because they had a 30 days for $30 deal and I’m really liking it.  I take the 6am class (which totally sucks to get out of bed).  It’s not crossfit because we’re not doing huge weights, it’s pretty much kettle bells and body weight, but there is a WOD and not the kind of gym that you show up to anytime you want and do your workout.  Problem is, I’m now going to have to have 2 gym memberships.  😦

So, yep, that’s my big news that totally couldn’t wait until Friday favorites.  🙂

Hope you’re all having a great week!

Lots of Love~Dawn