Fall, Food, and Fitness

I love Fall!  I love being back in my sweats and sweatshirts.  I love the changing leaves.  I love football.  I love baking in the Fall. Unfortunately, I think our Fall here in WI is going to be pretty short lived.

So far, I have resisted my usual Fall baking.  I did make banana bread yesterday, but I don’t like it so it’s easy to resist, lol.  I made one loaf with chocolate chips and one without.  The dog managed to grab the one without off the counter when I was giving pieces to the babies…grrrr!  Luckily, I got it away from him before he managed to eat it, but it was still ruined.  😦  I have put off making pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and pumpkin bread, but I think I’m going to have to cave soon and just try to keep it to 1 or 2 a day with my coffee in the morning.

I started myfitnesspal again this past Friday.  Out of the 5 days, I’ve gone over twice…both times were way over.  The first time was Saturday and although I was purposely tracking, I wasn’t purposely being good yet.  Last night, we went to Outback.  I LOVE Outback and had been craving it quite awhile.  I resisted getting soda and stuck with water, but there’s no way for me to resist the Bloomin’ Onion.  It is just too darn good!  I also got the filet and lobster tail.  I ate the lobster tail and part of my baked potato and saved the steak and the rest of the potato for today or tomorrow.

I also skipped Zumba which I fully intended on going to until we found out that a friend of J’s and Best Friend to one of dc parents passed away Monday night.  I didn’t want to leave J alone with his thoughts last night so instead we went to his little cousin’s football game, grabbed dinner and then had a fun shopping trip at Shopko.  I need to go back because I found quite a few things to get J for Christmas.  🙂

So between bible study and meetings, I have yet to make it to Zumba.  However, I have restarted the c25k program and did that on Sunday afternoon and Monday night.  Sunday went well but Monday was not easy, graceful or fast.  My calves started acting up again but I kept at it and got it done.  We also did a ton of raking on Sunday afternoon so I burned a lot of calories that way.  I will get back on the treadmill tonight after work.  My goal is to do something at least 4-5 days a week.  Even if it just means fitting in a walk with the babies.

On the TTC front, I thought for sure the cyst on my right ovary was about to burst at about 3am this morning, but the pain has subsided for the most part.  I should also be ovulating this week so I’m not sure if that’s all it is.  Hopefully, that’s not what I was feeling because this is cd11 and it’s a bit early for me on a natural cycle.  Normally I only let the babies nap for an hour in the morning so they sleep well in the afternoons, but they all have colds and are grumpy and my right side is still sore so I’m letting them sleep til they wake up today.  We still have no decision made on whether or not we’re going to try another IUI before the new year.  I was sure I was done and then I started seeing different success stories on Fertile thoughts this past month and with bloggers that I’m following and so now I have the itch to try again.  I just do not know what to do.  I’m trying not to think about it too much right now.

Only 23 days more to go until we head out for our Anniversary weekend in Door County and taking a page from Elisha at Waiting For Baby Bird, I also planned another outing for November to help re-ignite the spark in our marriage.  Not that it’s totally gone, but I would say it’s dimmed slightly.  November’s event is going to see Garth Brooks in Minneapolis.  I’m so stinkin’ excited!!!  Our seats are in the nosebleed section at Target Center but I don’t care.  I can’t wait to share this experience with J.  Now I need to start thinking up something good for December!

I know many of my IF Sisters are going through a rougher time than usual right now.  Know that you all are in my thoughts daily and I’m sending lots of love out to all of you!


10 thoughts on “Fall, Food, and Fitness

  1. I love fall too! And I love the Outback. And zumba is my favorite form of exercise. Are we twins? hehe! Thanks for the shout out and link back to my blog. You are awesome! xo

    Also, I’m praying for God’s wisdom to flood your mind on if and when to do your next IUI 😉 xo

      • So good to hear! Speaking of devotionals, I need to sit down and do mine. Goldilocks had a case worker come by this morning and I ran out of time before I had to get her up and ready :/

  2. I’m so jealous you’re going to Minneapolis. I have been begging my husband to go for weeks!!! I’m hoping to live up there one of these days when I can finally afford to move! Enjoy your upcoming trips!

  3. I don’t know if I knew you lived in MN! Bless you for living in the freezing cold 🙂 Girl, we all have such a different story when it comes to fertility – hope you get a peace about what is next for y’all!!! PS I’m addicted to working out! Too bad we don’t live closer, I would drag you to the gym every morning at 5:30 🙂 Excited for y’alls upcoming getaway!

    • Caroline…we’re actually in in WI…just outside of La Crosse which is right on the Mississippi River…about 3 hrs away from Minneapolis. I wish you lived closer too…I need someone to drag me out of bed and to the gym…or at least to my basement or living room, lol. 🙂

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