Day 2 is AWFUL!!!!

Ok, I know the Whole 30 timeline says “hangover”, but I don’t feel like I have one.  Instead, I have stabbing pains in my stomach and they really hurt.  This sucks…a lot.  I know I’m totally whining here but I hate not looking forward to meals…and I don’t…at all.

I made a big salad for lunch with red leaf lettuce, spinach, kale, peppers, broccoli, grape tomatoes, hard boiled egg and chicken with the homemade lemon pepper dressing and I did not enjoy a single bite of it.

I’m not sure if I’m actually full when I stop eating or if I’m just sick of eating something that doesn’t taste good to me.

22 thoughts on “Day 2 is AWFUL!!!!

  1. Eating healthy can get overrated quickly. If you sick to it you will realize your body will naturally prefer it over non healthy meals. At least that’s the case for me. Although I still indulge in non healthy food during the weekends so I won’t miss it so much.

    • I hope your headache gets better soon! I’m trying my best…luckily, I haven’t had any sugar cravings!!! 🙂 I think that may be because I’m not drinking coffee…coffee and sweets go hand in hand in my mind, lol.

  2. I laughed so hard reading this…sorry, that’ probably wasn’t your intent. 🙂
    You can do this, I know you can! On meal at a time and I’m sure you’ll start to at least tolerate veggies. I hope you’ll actually start to love them. Also, how are you prepping your kale? Kale is one of my absolute favourite foods, but if it’s prepped wrong eating it fresh is beyond disgusting.

    • I would totally be laughing at me too! As far as the kale goes, in my salads, I just throw it in straight from the carton it came in. For the hash, it was frozen kale so I microwaved it first before adding it.

      • Can you use olive oil in whole 30? If you can, take the fresh kale, put it in a bowl with some olive oil and work it in your hands. If you’re allowed salt, add a small dash of salt – the grittiness helps break down the toughness of the kale. Work it for a good few minutes in your hands. Then add it to your salad.
        We joke that we have to massage and exfoliate kale to make taste good raw.

      • Haha!!! I have totally had your kale salad – it’s horrible!!
        We are yet to find a way to eat the stalks, even Google doesn’t seem to provide decent ways to prepare the stalks! So, we just cut the stalk out and immediately throw them out!

  3. Oh my goodness… You can totally do this! You CAN! I have a mild headache today, but nothing with the stomach. Make sure you’re drinking a ton of water. You need water to move the fiber through you body. Btw.. I have been currently ‘eating’ my dinner for the last 45min (no joke). I probably take a bite every 5 minutes. I totally get that feeling of “Am I full or just sick of this food?” I hate veggies too, trust me, you’re not alone.

    • Lol…thank you for making me giggle on the eating dinner for 45 minutes. I’m still trying to get ours cooked. The salmon looked done but when we cut open…totally not done! Oops! Except for my tea in the morning, water is all I’ve been drinking. The pains seem to have gone away now and hopefully they’ll stay away because they were doubling me over, take my breath away kind of pains.

      • Glad the stomach thing seems to have gone! That sounds painful! And I’m happy I gave you a laugh. Good news: I just ate the last bite of my chicken 🙂 Fish is so hard to cook! Hope it finishes soon.

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